2nd Anniversary: the musketeers at comic-con 2019

comic con 2019

Celebrating the end of the 3rd season of The Musketeers with the cast…

So without no particular order in mind, we’re going to bring out our panellists

please let’s welcome Mr Max Skills


there he is…

(cheers and applause from the audience)

Max: hi everyone! where do you want me to sit?

Anywhere, get comfortable

you’re looking awesome Max

Max: I know… thanks!

(unknown lady shouts out from somewhere in the audience “we love you, Max”)


please welcome the lovely and talented miss Palmira Austin…



please, may I have a warm welcome for Miss Cara Austin, A.k.a miss Cara Newman…

(applause from the audience)


let’s bring out your one time enemy in the first season…

Miss Savannah Shang…

Cara said giggling very excitedly

“Hi everyone, it’s great to be back.”

(the audience respond with cheers and applause)

Max: it’s great to see you


Savannah: hello everyone!

(applause from the audience and a few fans were wolf-whistling her as she said it)

let’s bring out everyone’s favourite lost in time hero and the man that bought back The Musketeers for the third season, mr Joel Chase A.k.a Joel Austin…

the audience are all looking at one side of the stage to the other with anticipation as Joel jumps out from behind the sofa and shouts “surprise!” with cheers coming from the audience.


Joel: hiya

Watch out ladies and gentlemen because Elvis is in the house. please welcome Mr James Magnes…

(loud applause, shouts and cheers from the audience) 

And I guess with got to bring out Kitana too. ladies and gentlemen…

Let’s hear it for Miss Kitana Shang.

Oh my, they’re a lot of you hear today!… Hello everyone…

(More loud audience applause and a few more wolf-whistles)  


with lots of clapping, everybody was out on stage…



ladies and gentlemen the cast of Sunset valleys: The Musketeers.


Palmira: well, that killed about 10 minutes…

Kitana: We’re under a lot of pressure people because we declined the moderator. So with got to keep it moving…

So, hello everyone

(more audience applause)

thanks for paying loads of money to come and see us. haha!

why don’t we go along the panel to know what everyone has been up to? you all want to know that right?

James: come on Kitana, that’s all they want to know

Kitana: shut up, James your get your turn when it comes to it and you haven’t given me my kiss yet!

“oh! I’m sorry about that!” he said and quickly run over to her in a funny way to give Kitana a peck on her cheek to everyone’s amusement


Palmira: haha!… Oh, Kitana! we never know what you’re going to do next!

Kitana: and you say that’s like its a bad thing?

Palmira: not at all, well… only when I’m not the one on the receiving end of whatever you’re up to that is

Kitana: I don’t know what you mean…

ladies and gentlemen, don’t believe anything this lot say about me! she said with a cheeky smile on her face.

Joel: haha!… you’re incorrigible!

Kitana: so what next? don’t the moderators ask as what we’ve been doing?

Palmira: why don’t we start with questions from the audience

Kitana: Let me jump in a moment here because Cara and I only got two questions the last time because someone didn’t stop talking, I’m not saying any names James, alright.

right, so what your question my Darlin?

Unnamed Fan: I see that there has been a lot more science fiction has been bought into the story this season and Joel somehow built a…

well, I would call a variation of the scientific theory of the Einstein–Rosen bridge portal or stargate.

if someone had that kind of knowledge and somehow they were sent back in time in a similar way you were, do you think that would be even possible to build an Einstein–Rosen bridge portal by combining 1940s tech with late 2020s tech?


Kitana: that’s a really good question!…

We’re going to let you answer that Joel.

And don’t ever say I never let you have the easy questions.

(laughter from the audience)


Thanks for that Kitana Joel said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice   

hmm!… Can you repeat the question?

Unnamed Fan: Do you think that would be even possible to build an Einstein–Rosen bridge portal by combining 1940s tech with late 2020s tech?

Joel:  I was really hoping I had misheard you with that one.

then he looked at Kitana and said

“I’m going to get you for this”

Kitana: haha! promises! promises!

(More laughter from the audience)


Well, I will try to answer your question…

I would like to think if that person was as highly skilled as I was portrayed as in the story with the scientific knowledge and inclination he or she needed. I’m sure they would have been able to overcome the limitations in the end.

maybe it would take more time to overcome the problem than on the Musketeers show
and of course, the thing has still to be invented even in our time. but I believe there are no limits if we put our minds to it.

this will be of interest to you Savannah.

did you know The first steamship that made the transatlantic passage was called the SS Savannah?

It crossed the Atlantic Ocean using a combination of steam and sailing between May and June of 1819.

Savannah: no I never knew that

Joel: that was only 200 years ago and that’s the point, just look at how far with come…


James: you know even with that knowledge it would probably take him over 30 years to get the right tech he needed to get home

Joel: well, I’m just happy I don’t have to find out

Kitana: let’s move on with the next question

Audience Fan: um…

Savannah we have really seen your character develop throughout the series and particularly in this last season…

what’s your favourite moment so far from the show?


Savannah: oh!… that’s a difficult one, there so many…

I suppose getting to work with Kitana. I’ve been an actress now for just over four years, and I’ve only ever had a few really small parts in other TV shows and some of them were only walk-on parts. but out of all the other actors, I’ve met…

And I’m not just saying this because she sat up here on stage with me, but it has been a lot of fun working with her. she has really been great and for that matter, the whole cast has been so gracious and talented and fun to be with they have accepted me like I was a part of their family

(loud applause started to come from the audience)

Cara was squeezing her arm and smiling at her and James leaned over and gave her a little peck on her cheek on the other side while Kitana was getting up out of her seat so she could give Savannah a quick hug 

Savannah: if I had to pick an episode, it would have to be…

Everybody Hurts Sometimes

the story really tested my acting skills because it had so much raw emotion in it and the Chinese set was so beautiful. oh!…

and I would have to say not having to put all that makeup on as I did on the first two seasons was a blessing. J.J. just came up with the idea of a plant makeup compound that I used to make myself look more passable as mortal again and said to me, it would be better if we could see your beautiful face more clearly.

and I wasn’t going to argue with that. I had an extra hour every day while filming the series this year. then, of course, I met up with Kitana again and she had the Ikarza formula what was even better than the plant compound


James: You know I asked J.J. early on… the first thing he said to me do you mind being a different colour? And I said no, that’s fine. but why do we need to do that? aren’t vampires human anyway? in other TV shows, vampires look normal. wouldn’t it be a good idea for us to walk around unnoticed?

and his answer to that was… what makes you think what you have wouldn’t be better? and that’s when I realized he said that about everything. his a very smart guy.

Kitana: next question

Audience Fan: my question is for mr Magnes and mr Skills and about there acting skills. how did you find it in your selves to become incredible actors? you are so cool!

James: thank you so much, it’s so nice to be finally appreciated and thanks for calling me “Cool”

but I can’t really speak for everyone here but I know I am

Kitana: oh come on! you paid him to say that! do you know James?

Audience Fan: no!

James: it is a fair statement and question Kitana

Kitana: I don’t know about that! come on! tell me, how much did he pay you?

Audience Fan: nothing, its the first time I’ve seen him in real life


James: What I can tell you… when you work the long hours we do, you don’t get much time to think about it. you kind of go with your instincts and hope you done a good job at the end of the day. I would say I’ve been lucky to of landed this part. but talented, I’m just really only getting by. unless you’re talking about working with this gang, now I would say that takes talent.

Do you remember “Return to the Double Wedding of 2008 and The Forbidden Kiss”

That episode was some of the worst acting that I’ve ever done on a TV set. I kept getting my lines wrong because I couldn’t stop laughing.

and not a lot of people know this…

Avon and Max look very serious and professional onset and on TV. their lines are always word perfect.

but whenever they had there backs to the camera and it was focused on me, Well, that’s when they’re were laughing and making faces at me…

I’m sorry to have to say this, but it’s very difficult working with these people. he said laughing and grinning 

Max: haha! you have to bear in mind this guy can remember every single line that has ever been given him. so to hear him say the words “What was my line again?” was music to our ears and we all couldn’t stop laughing

James: that doesn’t help when you’re trying to say your lines

I’m sorry… that was mean of us! Max said grinning from ear to ear

James: Well, if you hadn’t done anything like that, we wouldn’t have these great memories to tell the audience now

Savannah: wasn’t that the episode Kitana threw you in a garbage bin at the end of it?

James: no! that was Max and it was the episode Love Me Tender, But Don’t Love Me Crazy


Max: who directed that? that was one of the funniest episodes with have done to date

Palmira: wasn’t that you Max?

James: I don’t remember the exact name of who directed that episode but he kept crying all the time

Max: that’s because you were giving me such a difficult time

James: that was my Job

Max: going back to the question, the character has become a blend of the actor.

J.J. always encouraged us to put as much of our own personalities into the rolls as we could. I’ve got to the point where I can’t really tell the difference from the actor from the character that I am playing now

so it’s difficult to answer questions about the part I’m playing here. because it feels like we’re just playing ourselves if you understand what I’m trying to say

Kitana: J.J. never wanted me to play myself

James: Well, you certainly went against his wishes with that one.

Kitana: next question

Audience Fan: my question is for Palmira… in an episode called Return to the Double Wedding of 2008 and The Forbidden Kiss

there was a hint of a romance between you and a security guard, is there going to be a follow up to that story any time soon?


Palmira: I wish, I haven’t even had my first on-screen kiss yet…

but the answer is no, I’ve asked J.J. about that myself and because Joel went back in time a lot of that episode before has been changed now, there was no double wedding as Max didn’t marry Eni Jish and so I didn’t get to meet Ethan

Audience Fan: how did that change?

Kitana: spoilers! you will have to wait for the episodes 2.14 and 2.15 to be aired

next question, please

Audience Fan: I have a question for Cara.


you have a wonderful voice and your first music album was a number one sensation.

As The Musketeers are a band in the show, I was wondering if they will take advantage of that in the future and have you join the band to sing with your brother Avon?

Cara: there only so much I can say about the future episodes of the show. but in the next two episodes, there is going to be a little more focus on the band coming up.

it would be a great idea for the next season, I would really love to sing with Avon in the show

Kitana: we have time for one more question

Audience Fan: there’s a lot of rumours about you going around, I just wondering how much of them are true. did you go on a near year-long party onboard your 747?

Kitana: there’s a code I live by, omit nothing and deny everything


Audience Fan: oh come on! you have to give us something… how about an invite to the next party

Kitana: Oh look at that! is that the time already?

we have Avon and Pearl joining us over the conference link


Avon: we’re just dropping by to say hello… to everyone at comic-con in San Diego?

(the audience respond with a round of applause)

Avon: has Kitana been behaving herself?

Kitana: I don’t know what you mean, I always behave myself… I’m a good girl

James: haha!

Kitana: what are you laughing at James?

nothing! it must be nerves he said with a big cheeky smile on his face

Avon: I take that as a no then

Kitana: does anyone have a question for Avon and Pearl?

(one of the audience members shouts out “how’s the honeymoon going?”)

Avon: oh! so it seems like some of you have heard already

Pearl: but just in case some of you haven’t, we just got married yesterday and that’s the reason we’re not there with you nowScreenshot-23

Pearl: aloha

(the audience respond with more applause)

Kitana: we have a lady here that wishes to ask you a question

Pearl: then ask away

fan: Avon is a very unusual name, can you tell us a little about how your parents came up with it?

Avon: Well, The name Avon is an English variant of Afon, which means “river” in Welsh. William Shakespeare’s birthplace, Stratford-upon-Avon or Stratford upon the river

as for how I ended up with the name, my mother’s father is Welsh and she had always liked the name. so that’s how I ended up with it

Pearl: I’ve never met anyone before with that name!… it is very unusual. have you ever met another person with the name Avon

Avon: yeah, I have a cousin with that name too

Pearl: you have a cousin with that name? I’m surprised nobody said we have an Avon already? maybe ones enough

Avon: As I said before, my grandfather is Welsh and that side of my family Live’s over there, and we don’t have much contact with them.

So I had never met him until I was about eight years old when I had a vacation there. but it was pretty cool… as I had never heard anyone else called by this name either

Pearl: can he sing as good as you as well?

Avon: possibly, I don’t know

pearl: will you sing for us now? I think the audience would like to hear you sing

she then turned to face the camera and said to the audience directly 

would you all like to hear Avon sing?

(the audience respond with a round of applause)

Pearl: I think that means “yes”

Avon: what would you like me to sing then?

Pearl: how about that song you like so much called “This I Promise You” by Richard Marx

Avon: why not?


And I will take you in my arms

And hold you right where you belong

Til’ the day my life is through

you’ve loved you forever

In lifetimes before

And I promise you never

Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word

I give you my heart

This is a battle we’ve won

And with this vow


Forever has now begun

Til’ the day my life is through

This I promise you, babe

Just close your eyes each loving day (each loving day)

And know this feeling won’t go away (no)

Every word I say is true

This I promise you.


after he finished the song they walked down the beach and then he kissed her

Max:  looks like that’s all your going to get out of them today

Kitana: Hopefully we get to See you all again next year…

Max: Oh yeah!

Joel: Oh!… we almost forgot to give a shout out to our friend, Bee

she is very creative and has been a great help with a lot of our posture training, her site is worth checking out and it’s here… conversation-poses
